Nourished eBook

Click on image below to view and download the ebook.

***Please note that some of the links in the ebook no longer work, but that does not detract from the full experience of the book. ***


Some kind words:

Nourished is an ebook that has definitely over delivered. The recipes are so accessible and I’m learning so much about nutrition at the same time. Unlike so many other ebooks these days, this one has a huge amount of content, and pays close attention to design which makes it an all round nourishing experience. Such good value for $27. Can’t wait for the next one!

Elise Bialylew, Doctor of Psychiatry & Founder of Mindful in May

Dear Lesh, I cannot thank you enough for your Nourished eBook- having only recently been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes I am having to change dramatically how and what I eat (and how I think of food) and your recipes have already helped me tremendously to make meals for the whole family that are healthy and able to be eaten by everyone – and so far no complaints from anyone AND my blood glucose is already showing improvement!  Thank you from us all

Sheila Stevens

I read your e-book from cover to cover on a recent flight from Brisbane to Melbourne. I relished every page and now have a renewed motivation to feed the boys and myself  healthy whole foods — more than we currently do. I particularly liked the constant reminder to be kind to ones-self and to make small changes slowly. The reminders to make one change at a time made the idea of introducing new elements comfortable, realistic and plausible. Well done on a really informative, interesting, entertaining and easy to read e-book!

Dr Birgit Beisner, mother and health scientist

Clearly made with love, Nourished isn’t just about delicious recipes, it speaks to my soul about slowing down, about a more meaningful and mindful way of living and of enjoying and considering the food that I put into my body. Lesh lives and breathes her ethos, and her authenticity oozes out of every page.

Sue Muller, Smile Chickie

Lesh’s fabulous new e-book has provided renewed kitchen inspiration for my entire family and a dear friend with coeliac disease. I continually show my printed spiral bound version to my patients also. Thank you, Lesh.

Elisa, Paediatrician, and mother of four


There are SO many new ‘health’ cookbooks out there at the moment, but here’s the one you only really need: Nourished

Lucinda Dodds, Cook, Artist, Book Seller

I think ‘NOURISHED’ is, quite simply, BRILLIANT. I have bought a number of very good recipe books which have helped me a lot but none of them are a match on yours.  Yours is very special and already my favourite. And it is so much more than a recipe book. It is presented beautifully, so easy to follow and has a wealth of information on how to eat.  I love the ‘Serving ideas/Tips/Variations’ sections that accompanying most of your recipes. I feel so incredibly lucky to have discovered you and to now own a copy of ‘NOURISHED’.”

Margaret Drayton


WOW, WOW, WOW it’s A-MAZING so comprehensive. It’s a wholefood kitchen bible!

Camilla Ferraro, Nutrition student